Márquez, English IV-Period 2 Assignments

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Research Paper- Final Draft in Google Classroom

Research Paper- Final Draft

LT: I can write a strong research paper using evidence, analysis, and incorporating citations from outside sources. 

You should submit a 5-paragraph research paper. This paper should incorporate citations from at least 3 outside sources which should be listed in a Works Cited Page. You will be evaluated on content, language mechanics and grammar, clarity, and citations. 


DINs: Weeks 16 and 17  in Google Classroom

DINs: Weeks 16 and 17

April 26: What would you ask for if a genie granted you 3 wishes? Why?
April 27: How would you like to make this world a better place? Why?
April 29: What's your first memory?

May 3: What has been your favorite thing you have ever created/made? why?
May 4: What was your experience with Passages? How did it compare to previous years?
May 5: What are your top 5 short-term goals. Why?
May 6: What famous landmarks or places have you visited and what was your impression of them?


Research Paper- Rough Draft in Google Classroom

Research Paper- Rough Draft

LT: Using my research paper outline, I can write a rough draft of my research paper. 


DINS: Weeks 14 and 15 in Google Classroom

DINS: Weeks 14 and 15

April 12: Would you like to live in another country? Why or why not?
April 13: How would you describe Santa Fe? If someone were to visit here, where would you tell them they should go? Why?
April 14: What expectations do you have of yourself? What expectations do others have of you? How do you feel about these expectations?
April 15: Do you knowingly or unknowingly submit to peer pressure? Why or why not?

April 19: What could you not live without? Why?
April 20: If you were to create a soundtrack of your life, what songs would be on it? Why?
April 21: When’s the last time you took a chance? What happened?
April 22: What do you believe in? Why?


Research Paper Outline in Google Classroom

Research Paper Outline

LT: I can create an outline for my research paper. 

Create an outline using Roman Numerals of your research paper.
This paper needs to be at least 5 paragraphs.


Research Paper- Introduction in Google Classroom

Research Paper- Introduction

LT: I can write a strong thesis statement and introduction for my research paper. 

Write a paragraph introducing your topic and your stance on the topic (your thesis). 


Works Cited Page- Group Exercise in Google Classroom

Works Cited Page- Group Exercise

LT: I can create a Works Cited Page with an array of sources. 


DINS: Weeks 12 and 13 in Google Classroom

DINS: Weeks 12 and 13

March 29: What are at least 10 things you know to be true and why?
March 30: What is a topic that you would like to learn more about and investigate? Why?
March 31: What is your biggest challenge right now? Why? What are you most grateful for right now? Why?

April 6: You're in an elevator with your hero. You have 90 seconds to tell them about yourself, what do you say?
April 7: What makes a graduation ceremony memorable? Why?
April 8: What would you plan if a local museum paid you to attract teens. 


NoRedInk!- Citations Diagnostic in Google Classroom

NoRedInk!- Citations Diagnostic

LT: I can complete a citations diagnostic. 


Research Proposal in Google Classroom

Research Proposal

LT: I can complete a proposal for a topic I'm interested in researching and writing about. 

Please make a copy of the attached document and complete it.


College Essay- Final Draft in Google Classroom

College Essay- Final Draft

LT: I can write a college essay.


DINS: Weeks 10 & 11 in Google Classroom

DINS: Weeks 10 & 11

March 8: What qualities make you trust someone? Why?
March 9: What do you consider yourself an expert in? Why?
March 10: If you were to create any one law, what would it be? Why?
March 11: What does success mean to you? Why?

March 22: Describe your Spring Break. What was a challenge? a highlight? a curiosity?
March 23: What are your thoughts on returning to in-person school?
March 24: What's something you accomplished in the past that you're proud of?
March 25: Describe your ideal day.
March 26: What was a time when you did the right thing even though it was really hard?


"Rappaccini's Daughter" Drawing in Google Classroom

"Rappaccini's Daughter" Drawing

LT: I can use evidence from the text to guide how I draw a picture.

1. Draw a picture from a scene in "Rappaccini's Daughter."
2. Find three quotes from the text that support why you drew the drawing the way you did. You will write this quotes using proper citation. i.e. "Quote" (#).
3. Submit the drawing and the quotes here.


DINS Weeks 8 and 9 in Google Classroom

DINS Weeks 8 and 9

February 22: What's the craziest dream you've ever had?
February 23: Have you ever experienced magic? What happened?
February 24: What would you tell the president if you were in the room with him? Why?
February 25: If you had $50 to spend on yourself each week, what would you spend it on? Why?

March 1: What’s one strength or characteristic you admire in someone else but don’t really believe you can master?
March 2: If you could time travel would you go forward or backward? When? Why?
March 3: What's something you're committed to never doing? Why?
March 4: When do you feel most loved? Why?


NoRedInk!- Parallel Structure 1 in Google Classroom

NoRedInk!- Parallel Structure 1

Work on “Parallel Structure 1.”


College Essay - Draft 1 in Google Classroom

College Essay - Draft 1

LT: I can revise my rough draft and expand upon my essay.

Please incorporate edits and expand upon your rough draft. You will submit your first draft to receive feedback from me.


Charlie Gordon Character Analysis in Google Classroom

Charlie Gordon Character Analysis

LT: I can make inferences about a character and provide supporting evidence from the text.

Using the attached document, analyze Charlie Gordon's character.


College Essay -Rough Draft in Google Classroom

College Essay -Rough Draft

LT: I can write a college essay rough draft.

Write a rough draft of your college essay. Remember, it does not need to be perfect, that's what the revisions are for. We just need you to have something you can work with.


DINs: Weeks 6 and 7 in Google Classroom

DINs: Weeks 6 and 7

February 8: What would you do if you had an extra 53 minutes each week?
February 9: What do the stars represent to you? Why?
February 10: What is your biggest takeaway from "The Little Prince?" Why?
February 11: Describe an adventure you'd like to go on.

February 16: Describe a time you have felt out of place.
February 17: My top 8 memories are... because...
February 18: Some of the things I love most about myself are… Because...
February 19: My biggest sources of inspiration are... Because...


College Essay Peer Review in Google Classroom

College Essay Peer Review

1. In your small groups, share your college essay rough drafts with your group members.
2. Read through each essay and use "Suggestions" to provide comments on: 1) What you really like that the author should absolutely keep in. 2) Things you have questions about or are unclear. 3) Areas that you think should be expanded upon or taken out. 4) Anything you would change.
3. Read through each essay again and edit for clarity, spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc.


Compare and Contrast- Worksheet and Short Essay.  in Google Classroom

Compare and Contrast- Worksheet and Short Essay.

LT: I can compare and contrast the "The Little Prince" book and the "The Little Prince" film.

1. While we watch the film, take time to fill out the attached worksheet. This will help support you as you write a short essay comparing and contrasting the book and film.

2. Write a short essay (at least one paragraph) comparing and contrasting the film and book of "The Little Prince."


DINS- Weeks 4 and 5 in Google Classroom

DINS- Weeks 4 and 5

Write at least 1/4 page single spaced for each prompt. If you do not want to write on the given prompt, you can write anything you'd like- how your day is going, a short story, etc. The point is for you to write without stopping and allowing your thoughts to flow.

January 25: What's one thing you wish people knew about you?
January 26: How would you describe the "ordinary world" that you are living in now?
January 27: Write a letter to someone who has been a mentor on your journey.
January 28: If you were to life in a fictional world, which world would you want to live in? Why?

February 1: Describe a time you have been resourceful. What was the situation? What did you do?
February 2: What are the most important changes, in your life and in the world, in the last decade?
February 3: What changes do you think should be made to the Santa Fe school system? Why?
February 4: What is the story behind your name?
February 5: How should schools address bullying? Why?


College Essay Analysis in Google Classroom

College Essay Analysis

LT: I can analyze the elements that make a good college essay.

Step 1 (February 2):
+ Make a copy of the attached form "College Essay Analysis- Independent."
+ Read College Essay Samples 2, 5, and 6.
+ Complete the attached form "College Essay Analysis- Independent."

Step 2 (February 3):
+ In small groups, discuss each of the essays (College Essay Samples 2, 5, and 6).
+ Your group should create a presentation that includes your analysis of essays 2, 5, and 6.
+ The presentation should have the following information for each of these essays: 1) What your group likes, 2) What do you wonder about?/What questions do you have about the essay? Is there anything missing? 3) What would you change? What do you dislike? 4) What would you grade this essay? Why?


College Essay- Brainstorm/MindMap in Google Classroom

College Essay- Brainstorm/MindMap

LT: I can map out ideas that I may want to include in my essay.

You can create your mindmap in Canva or draw it out and upload the photo.

1. In the center of your mindmap, write your essay topic/prompt.
2. In the circles surrounding your main circle, write potential themes that you might want to explore in regards to this topic.
3. In the circles offshoots of those secondary circles, include any evidence or details that you want to include that support each of your themes.


College Essays- Choosing a Question in Google Classroom

College Essays- Choosing a Question

LT: I can choose an essay prompt I would like to write on.

Choose an essay prompt that you would like to work with.
You can choose one from the Common Appliction: https://www.commonapp.org/apply/essay-prompts
You can find a scholarship that you'd like to apply to that requires an essay. Fastweb is a great place to search for scholarships: https://www.fastweb.com/

In the comments, please write what essay prompt you have chosen.


DINS: Weeks 2 and 3 in Google Classroom

DINS: Weeks 2 and 3

Write at least 1/4 page single spaced for each prompt. If you do not want to write on the given prompt, you can write anything you'd like- how your day is going, a short story, etc. The point is for you to write without stopping and allowing your thoughts to flow.

January 11: Choose one of the quotes below and explain what you think it means and how it plays out in the real world.
“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” - Antoine de Saint Exupéry
“Words are the source of misunderstandings.” - Antoine de Saint Exupéry
“A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral.” - Antoine de Saint Exupéry
“If you love a flower that lives on a star, it is sweet to look at the sky at night. All the stars are a-bloom with flowers...” - Antoine de Saint Exupéry
“Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them.” - Antoine de Saint Exupéry
January 12: Do children or adults know more? Why?
January 13: Describe a time that you have received a “Call to Adventure.” Did you refuse the call or did you take the call? Why? What happened as a result?
January 14: Describe a time when you unexpectedly became friends with someone. How did you become friends? What surprised you about them?

January 19: DIN: What is the greatest adventure you have ever been on?
January 20: If COVID disappeared completely tomorrow what are the first things you would do?
January 21: Write a letter to your 10-year-old self? What would you want him/her to know? What advice would you give him/her? Why?
January 22: What is something new you want to try this year? What resolutions do you have? Why?


The Hero's Journey Presentations in Google Classroom

The Hero's Journey Presentations

LT: I can demonstrate understanding of "The Hero's Journey."

1. Choose a movie, a book, or a story that you would like to work with.
2. Create a poster (I recommend Canva) that demonstrates how this movie, book, or story follows the 12 steps of "The Hero's Journey."
3. Be able to explain each of the steps and how they play out in the movie, book or story you choose.


Classroom Norms in Google Classroom

Classroom Norms

LT: I can collaborate with my peers to create a presentation about classroom norms.

In your group, create a presentation (in Slides or Canva) that incorporates classroom norms for the following categories:
A good student has these qualities...
A good teacher has these qualities...
A good classroom has these qualities...


"About Me" Form in Google Classroom

"About Me" Form

LT: I can complete an "About Me" form.

Please fill out this form so I can get to know you better and can create the best class possible for you.