Linan and Holzer Test Prep-6 Assignments

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Review, Sign, and Return Syllabus in Google Classroom

Review, Sign, and Return Syllabus

Learning Target: I will understand and be able to explain the routines and purpose of the course.

1. Please review this syllabus with a parent/guardian/someone who loves you.
2. Return it by google classroom on or before Monday, 1/11.

Objetivo de aprendizaje: Entenderé y seré capaz de explicar las rutinas y el propósito del curso.

1. Por favor revise este programa con un padre / tutor / alguien que lo quiera.
2. Devuélvalo por google aula el lunes 1/11 o antes.


Add REMIND Class in Google Classroom

Add REMIND Class

You and a parent/gardian should add the Remind class using the link attached.