Linan - MESA - Math Engineering Science Achievement-2 Assignments

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Make up Quiz in Google Classroom

Make up Quiz


Lesson 21: Art Project in Google Classroom

Lesson 21: Art Project

For lesson 21 complete the lesson and post the screenshot here.

I added the screenshot of my art.


Quiz at home in Google Classroom

Quiz at home

Click on the link below to start the game


Quiz - 2/17 in Google Classroom

Quiz - 2/17


Make Up Monday in Google Classroom

Make Up Monday


If you have not taken the quiz in Google Classroom

If you have not taken the quiz


G4 #2 in Google Classroom

G4 #2


G4 #3 Quiz starts 10:50 in Google Classroom

G4 #3 Quiz starts 10:50


G4 Final Quiz in Google Classroom

G4 Final Quiz


QUIZ - G4 in Google Classroom



Analyze code / Analiza codigo in Google Classroom

Analyze code / Analiza codigo

Analiza el código en el archivo y describe que hará paso a paso.

Analyze the code attached and describe what it will do in each step.


Create something unique... Diseña algo único in Google Classroom

Create something unique... Diseña algo único

Utilizando Lesson 10: Looking Ahead with Minecraft (puzzle 14) diseña tu propia ciudad.

Using Lesson 10: Looking Ahead with Minecraft (puzzle 14) design your own city.

Sube una foto aquí.
Add a picture here.


Collage Lesson 7: Create a COLLAGE from the different art pieces your created in this lesson in Google Classroom

Collage Lesson 7: Create a COLLAGE from the different art pieces your created in this lesson

Since some of you didn't have internet yesterday and could not complete your work, please complete LESSON 7 TODAY. When you are done, create a collage of the different art pieces you created and post them here.

Como algunos de ustedes no tenían internet ayer por favor complete la Leccion 7 de CODE.ORG. Cuando terminen hagan un collage de las mejores partes del arte y pongalo en en un documento aquí.


Lesson 6: Loops with Rey and BB-8 in Google Classroom

Lesson 6: Loops with Rey and BB-8

Students will be able to:
Identify the benefits of using a loop structure instead of manual repetition.
Break down a long sequence of instructions into the largest repeatable sequence.
Employ a combination of sequential and looped commands to reach the end of a maze.

Los estudiantes podrán:
Identificar los beneficios de usar una estructura de bucles en lugar de la repetición manual.
Dividir una secuencia larga de instrucciones en la secuencia repetible más grande.
Emplear una combinación de comandos secuenciales y en bucle para llegar al final de un laberinto.


Dance Party - Post your video here in Google Classroom

Dance Party - Post your video here

In this lesson, students will program their own interactive dance party. This activity requires sound as the tool was built to respond to music.

This lesson introduces the core CS concepts of coding and event programming (using blocks).


Connect to REMIND in Google Classroom

Connect to REMIND

You and your gardian should connect to Remind. Please follow the link to connect to my class.


About Me Presentation in Google Classroom

About Me Presentation

In this quick presentation please tell me about yourself, you can insert pictures, videos, sticky notes or words.

You will present in front of our class.